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Book Info


Blackwood, Sage

Word Count

96,000 words

based on page count


384 pages

Edition Publisher

Katherine Tegen Books

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0062129910

ISBN-13: 9780062129918


The highly acclaimed first book of a fantasy adventure series set in a mysterious forest, starring a daring new hero. "Readers will thrill to journey with Jinx" (SLJ, starred review), a wizard's apprentice, as he sets off on a quest through the dangerous Urwald, a magical forest full of wizards and were-creatures, and discovers that it is more complex than he could imagine, and that it needs him more than he could ever guess. This humorous and smart tween fantasy adventure is perfect for fans of Septimus Heap, The Sisters Grimm, and Fablehaven. Supports the Common Core State Standards

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