Orthopedic Manual Therapy

Orthopedic Manual Therapy

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Book Info


Cook, Chad

Word Count

138,000 words

based on page count


552 pages

Edition Publisher


Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0138021732

ISBN-13: 9780138021733


ORTHOPEDIC MANUAL THERAPY, 2/e is extensively updated and presents all modern foundations of orthopedic manual therapy, including patient management, clinical reasoning, reflective practice, and problem solving. Its comprehensive, regional approach to the body helps therapists synthesize new research, didactic knowledge, and clinical expertise. The text first systematically explains assessment, evaluation, treatment, and contraindications. Next, it offers in-depth insights into regional musculoskeletal conditions, supported by relevant anatomy, biomechanics, examination protocols, treatment techniques, and outcomes. Scientific research is analyzed to support the tests, techniques, and clinical reasoning presented. Hundreds of color images are provided, together with extensive scientific bibliographies. This edition's improvements include: new chapters on neurodynamics and soft tissue mobilization; more patient cases; greater focus on clinical decision-making; and new video procedures at www.myhealthprofessionskit.com.

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