I Wanna Iguana

I Wanna Iguana

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Book Info


Kaufman Orloff, Karen

Word Count

8,000 words

based on page count


32 pages

Edition Publisher

G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0399237178

ISBN-13: 9780399237171


Alex just has to convince his mom to let him have an iguana, so he puts his arguments in writing. He promises that she won't have to feed it or clean its cage or even see it if she doesn't want to. Of course Mom imagines life with a six-foot-long iguana eating them out of house and home. Alex's reassurances: It takes fifteen years for an iguana to get that big. I'll be married by then and probably living in my own house. and his mom's replies: How are you going to get a girl to marry you when you own a giant reptile? will have kids in hysterics as the negotiations go back and forth through notes. And the lively, imaginative illustrations show their polar opposite dreams of life with an iguana.

Alex and his mother write notes back and forth in which Alex tries to persuade her to let him have a baby iguana for a pet.

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