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Book Info


Carter, Quentin

Word Count

78,000 words

based on page count


312 pages

Edition Publisher

Triple Crown Publications

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0976234963

ISBN-13: 9780976234968


Drug-dealing blood-brothers Keith and Kevin Banks are sitting on top of the world with enough dough and honeys to last them for sure. Just when everything seems to be going their way, jealousy secretly takes hold of their close friend, Tee.


Knowing that women are Keith's weakness and downfall, Tee goes out of his way to bring Keith's success to a devastating halt by using the stunning, sexy Selina to set him up. But his plan falls short when Selina and Keith fall for each other. Keith's down chick/baby's mama, Tukey, attempts to regain Keith's love by taking a case for him and ending up behind bars, only for Keith to marry the home-wrecking Selina. Baffled, envious and full of rage, Tukey plans and carries out a plot so vicious, all the money in the world can't help Keith recover.

Hoodwinked is followed by its sequel, In Cahootz.

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