Destroying Relationships: Hoodoo Spells to Break Up, Separate, Hot Foot, and Drive Off Foes and Rivals

Destroying Relationships: Hoodoo Spells to Break Up, Separate, Hot Foot, and Drive Off Foes and Rivals

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Book Info


Miss Aida

Word Count

24,000 words

based on page count


96 pages

Edition Publisher

Lucky Mojo Curio Company

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0996147179

ISBN-13: 9780996147170


In this red-hot, hard-hitting, and downright EXPLOSIVE new collection of folkloric sorcery, you will learn how to use candles, oils, powders, nails, vinegar, and needles to cast spells to drive off rivals, break up lovers, and hot foot your adversaries out of town. Miss Aida shares full instructions for more than 100 hoodoo tricks to tear apart illegitimate love affairs, cause former friends to hate one another, dissolve business partnerships, expel co-workers from the job site, and banish your foes to the ends of the earth. This handy, practical, spell-packed volume reveals absolutely everything. You may not think today that you will need this sort of information, but be assured, when you do ... IT'S ALL HERE.

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