Learn To Write In Cursive: Over 8,000 Cursive Tracing Units

Learn To Write In Cursive: Over 8,000 Cursive Tracing Units

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Book Info


Mercury, Adrianne L.

Word Count

27,000 words

based on page count


108 pages

Edition Publisher

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 1534602097

ISBN-13: 9781534602090


The Learn to Write in Cursive Handwriting Practice workbook, provides extensive focus on cursive letter and sentence formation. This cursive tracing book contains more than 8,000 cursive tracing units. It contains individual cursive letters as well as cursive sentences from the classic alphabet poems. This beginning cursive letter writing workbook features a full-page format that focuses on one uppercase and lowercase cursive alphabet per page-a method that allows for thorough practice when learning to write each letter correctly. Students will have a minimum of 200 opportunities to trace each cursive letter before being presented with freehand cursive practice pages. Once a student has adequately mastered each cursive alphabet they may then move on to the next cursive letter or skip around as comfortable. Practicing cursive handwriting on a daily basis with the Learn to Write in Cursive workbook will expand a student's understanding of the concepts of cursive writing. When cursive handwriting is practiced daily, spacing between words becomes more consistent. Teachers and parents can use the Learn to Write in Cursive Handwriting Practice workbook to utilize hand-over-hand guidance techniques that will help students make correct cursive letter strokes. Guided lines have been provided in this handwriting workbook to teach correct cursive letter formation and word spacing quickly and effectively. Cursive handwriting practice doesn't have to take place on paper only. Everyday objects can be used to help students create cursive letters. Students should be encouraged to write cursive letters in the air, sand, clay, shaving cream, etc. to make learning cursive fun. This handwriting book is perfect for improving cursive penmanship. It's a great cursive writing resource for the homeschool classroom as well as public and private 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade classrooms. It's a great companion to printed alphabet handwriting programs such as Zaner-Bloser and Kumon. The Learn to Write in Cursive Handwriting Practice workbook is superior to traditional one-page online cursive penmanship worksheets because it gives students a chance to get used to using a full-size (8.5x11) workbook format-the same type used in classrooms.

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