Fatale (New York Review Books Classics)

Fatale (New York Review Books Classics)

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Book Info


Manchette, Jean-Patrick

Word Count

24,500 words

based on page count


98 pages

Edition Publisher

NYRB Classics

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 1590173813

ISBN-13: 9781590173817


A New York Review Books Original


Whether you call her a coldhearted grifter or the soul of modern capitalism, there’s no question that Aimée is a killer and a more than professional one. Now she’s set her eyes on a backwater burg—where, while posing as an innocent (albeit drop-dead gorgeous) newcomer to town, she means to sniff out old grudges and engineer new opportunities, deftly playing different people and different interests against each other the better, as always, to make a killing. But then something snaps: the master manipulator falls prey to a pure and wayward passion.

Aimée has become the avenging angel of her own nihilism, exacting the destruction of a whole society of destroyers. An unholy original, Jean-Patrick Manchette transformed the modern detective novel into a weapon of gleeful satire and anarchic fun. In Fatale he mixes equal measures of farce, mayhem, and madness to prepare a rare literary cocktail that packs a devastating punch.

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