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Book Info


Brazier, D J

Word Count

68,000 words

based on page count


272 pages

Edition Publisher

Andersen Press

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 1783444037

ISBN-13: 9781783444038


A teen survival story -- perfect for fans of Bear Grylls and Ray Mears. The trip of a lifetime -- that's what it was supposed to be, paid for with money Gran left thirteen-year old Sam in her will, but when the small plane taking Sam and his Dad back to the airport crashes in the jungle, Sam is left alone and terrified. As time passes with no sign of rescue, Sam grows weaker and has to dig deep to find levels of resolve and resourcefulness he never knew he had in order to survive. Desperate and close to giving up, Sam's spirits are lifted by the arrival of an otter cub whose companionship and loyalty give Sam the strength he needs to keep going. But when disaster strikes, Sam has to make the hardest decision of his life. Can Sam save his friend and make it out of the jungle alive?

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