Microsoft Excel 2013 Data Analysis with Tables Quick Reference Guide (Cheat Sheet of Instructions, Tips & Shortcuts - Laminated Card)

Microsoft Excel 2013 Data Analysis with Tables Quick Reference Guide (Cheat Sheet of Instructions, Tips & Shortcuts - Laminated Card)

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Book Info


Beezix Inc.

Word Count

500 words

based on page count


2 pages

Edition Publisher

Beezix Inc.

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 1936220784

ISBN-13: 9781936220786


Laminated quick reference card showing step-by-step instructions and shortcuts for how to use tables, PivotTables, sorting and filtering features in Microsoft Office Excel 2013. This guide is suitable as a training handout, or simply an easy to use reference guide, for any type of user. The following topics are covered: List Range or Table? Excel Tables: Creating an Excel Table, Adding or Deleting a Table Row or Column, Turning On/Off the Total Row, Removing Duplicates, Using Table Specifiers in Formulas, Converting a Table to a List Range, Using a List Range for Sorting, Filtering, Subtotals, and PivotTables. PivotTables: Creating a PivotTable or PivotChart from Worksheet Data, Show/Hide the PivotTable Fields Pane, Adding/Removing a PivotTable Field, Refreshing a PivotTable, Rearranging a PivotTable, Adding a PivotChart to an Existing PivotTable, Changing the Summary Function, Changing How Values are Shown, Sorting and Filtering a PivotTable, Filtering PivotTables with Timelines, Using a PivotTable to Analyze Multiple Data Sources, Adding Excel Workbook Tables to the Data Model, Adding External Data to the Data Model, Defining Relationships Across Multiple Tables, Creating a New PivotTable to Analyze Multiple Data Model Tables, Adding Tables and Fields to an Existing PivotTable, Advanced Data Analysis, Creating a Power View Sheet, Adding a Visualization to Power View. Sorting & Filtering a Table or List Range: Basic Sorting, Complex Sorting, Filtering and Advanced Filtering, Show/Hide AutoFilter, Filtering with AutoFilter. Advanced Filtering: Criteria for Advanced Filters, Using Advanced Filters/Copying Filtered Data to Another Range, Selecting/Ordering Columns, Clearing Filtering and Sorting, Subtotals. This guide is one of several titles available for Excel 2013: Excel 2013 Introduction; Excel 2013 Data Analysis with Tables; Functions & Formulas.

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