CCM Certification Made Easy: Your Guide to Passing the Certified Case Manager Exam

CCM Certification Made Easy: Your Guide to Passing the Certified Case Manager Exam

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Book Info


Gillingham RN CCM, Deanna Cooper

Word Count

63,000 words

based on page count


252 pages

Edition Publisher

Blue Bayou Press, LLC

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 1943889023

ISBN-13: 9781943889020


We are extremely pleased to tell you that CCM Certification Made Easy has been updated to it's Second Edition, and includes all the new material recently added to the CCM Exam. Every subdomain is covered on the exam. CCM Certification Made Easy is clearly the most complete CCM Exam prep book you can buy.Up to date - every area has been revisited for this updated edition to keep pace with the substantial changes in healthcare and the CCM Exam.Includes a condensed versions of the CCMC's Glossary of Terms that are an essential resource to pass the CCM Exam.Includes a website link to download a free companion workbook and study strategies that countless case managers have used to pass the CCM Exam at no extra charge.

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